The idea of data-driven markets is nothing new, having been around for many years, but the recent focus on these concepts has become more pronounced due to recent events in the financial world. Many business processes have become data driven as a result of changes in how information is gathered and stored, especially since the information required to perform certain business functions has become more important and so too has the need to store and retrieve this information quickly and easily. The need for faster access to this data and the ability to process large amounts of data has therefore created an environment where business processes are constantly being challenged by the sheer volume of data that must be processed. As a result there has been a focus on the development of new technologies which can help manage the pace of data and allow business owners to make more informed decisions.


Data management is an important function of any company, but particularly in a global marketplace where trade deals are made in thousands of different languages and involve hundreds of currencies. Developing applications that can handle the complexities of data mining is a challenge which is not easy to overcome. Fortunately though, there are many companies that specialise in providing data driven services and solutions. These companies will provide developers and software engineers who will design and implement the most effective data management systems, typically using proprietary programming languages such as C++ and Java. These businesses will provide the infrastructure, including servers, processors, storage devices, networks and databases required by companies to provide data-driven solutions.

The first step towards developing data driven business processes is to determine what kind of data are you currently dealing with, in both volume and quality. This will help to define the science data requirements of each project. These requirements can vary hugely from business to business, depending on the specific needs of each organization. However the aim of the research should be to identify problems areas in current business processes which may be slowing down the data gathering and processing capabilities of your company.

Next it is necessary to evaluate your current processes in depth. You may need to consider whether they are data driven or not. If they are not data driven, there will be an inability to make the best use of data generated by your processes. There are typically two forms of business processes: information extraction and data transformation. Typically data transformation tasks involve transformations of one format or data structure to another format or data structure.

Data management is one area which requires solutions which focus on the generation of large volumes of data. Typically the focus for data driven solutions in this area is the production of large amounts of data (at least 100 gigabytes or more). Examples include text, spreadsheets, images, videos and even audio. While large amounts of data may sound like a good thing, it is actually a bad thing if the data are stored wrong. For example incorrect formats or sizes of data can create a delay between information and the time it takes to process them.

So data driven technologies such as text, image, and video conversion services are required to convert data into the formats needed by the business processes. Conversion services can also help businesses by eliminating certain features of data such as tables and charts when processing the data. For example, if a table has columns and cells and you want to use a chart, then the chart must have blank cells. This is known as data quality and is not acceptable within some business processes. Data driven technologies can ensure that the data are processed correctly and that the right features are used.

In addition to data driven technologies, business processes themselves can become data driven. This can happen when documents are prepared by employees or other employees within a business process. Document preparation services may be data driven as well, since they help to ensure that the document is correctly worded and formatted. In addition, if your office uses Microsoft Office applications, then this is also considered data driven technology since Word creates Word documents and Excel creates Excel documents.

Businesses have many data driven solutions choices available to them. Business Process Management software is very popular because it helps companies manage all their data in one place. Some other data driven solutions are: Sales Performance Software, Desktop Information Display Systems (DIDS) and others. Whatever your data management solution choice, these help you work more efficiently and you can also save money and increase productivity.